Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our New Hobby

Ingat x ENTRY nih...? I ada update pasal something yang i terjumpa and would like to make that as my new silap HOBBY! agagaggaga~
nak tau apa dia??


yes...this is the one..i'm addicted to inline skate aka rollerblading.
mmg la tak pro lagi main ni..terkial-kial almaklumlah baru membelinye punn...beginner lagi pun so keep practising...insya hati sudah jatuh chenta sama ini inline skate..ramai org tatau that we shud call this thing an Inline Skate not Roller Blade coz Roller Blade is actually one of the brand...wahh tau sejarah okeh!

I TERjumpa benda ni masa lepak dgn enchik fadhil di suatu tempat yg aman...hahahha tak masal! tgk diorang men so sgt terpengaruh and cam tetibe jatuh hati..takde wishlist2 dah...agagagagag~
Jgn tatau bukan shayer jek yg jatuh chenta okeh..amad fadil pon sama! so dia pon ada okeh...
ni dia punya ....

haaa nilah our new hobby...mmg best! leh stay fitness..weeee ;p bersosial dgn rollerblading..agagagga team dia pon i dh join..pasni balik keje mo main tak hengat dunia...yeayyy! port utk main pon amad fadhil dh jumpa..yahuuuu.... *eyes roll*
nanti leh update pasal ni lagik..
oh thankx to him coz bought for me...anda sungguh kind! luv jejuta sekalik!
nanti kite roll sesame okeh!

till now,

Love roller,