Thursday, November 13, 2008

celebrating mr.Bubu bufdAy 12.11.08

4.30 pm :: after work ::

i'm finishing my work at 4.30 pm, and mr.Bubu is waiting for me at concourse area at my office. After all i've done, sign out everything, shutdown my thinkpad and take a lift down to concourse area where is my bf (mr.Bubu) is waiting for me..huuuhuhu hari lepas hujan so a bit cold then aku masuk dalam kete, aku cakap dgn dia aku nak blk dulu nak g toilet and letak bag sib baik umah dekat and luckily no traffic jams that day..hmmm aku pon masuk umah aku, letak bag, g toilet and amik bufday gift dia..aku beli bufday gift tu one day before..aku bg dia cards and a set of Famous Amos cookies hampers for the lovely one. Heeee..aku bwk benda tu then aku bg kat dia..he seems so happy and i know it..ermmmm...

:: pizza time ::

pewot aku dah lapar sebenarnya, aku sampai tak lunch sbb nak celebrate dgn dia, heeee..aku belanja dia mam pizza hut je..kitorang mam pizza kat tesco mutiara damansara, dekat je ngan umah aku..hikhikhik..then order meal 3, super supreme pan pizza, regular Hut's platter and then dia dapat free bufday gift from pizza..dessert..hmm bulehh we lepak2 jap until aku rasa cam nak tido je kat seat pizza tu..! huh...ngantukk seyhh..he finished everything..heee..nyum nyumm.. :)

happy Bufday sayangku, Ahmad fadhil a.k.a mr.Bubu...mmmuaachss...!!