Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010.....what in my mind??

It's my first entry in 2010..wahhhh so late...heheheh..anyway its still not too late to wish all of u a Happy New Year...time was so fast and its already 2010...makin lama makin tua...haishhh! for this year a lot of plan for myself, family and Ahmad Fadhil..Love u!

oh 2010!! what's in my mind???
actually its a lot tapi I tak sure sempat achieve or tak before 2011..heeeee i believe that all of u must have your plan for yourself, aite??

1. i want to further my study..
2. *wink wink*
3. prepare household

actually ada byk lagi tp ni yang telah di "shortlisted" kan..tak mau byk2 la takut tak sempat nak buat.. slowly but continuously..